Cissus Quadrangularis Veldt Grape Devils Backbone Cutting


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Cissus Quadrangularis Veldt Grape Devils Backbone Cutting

Packet containing 1x three segmented cutting  of this amazing species!
It will have the bottom end wrapped in moist paper to slow dehydration and so you know which end to plant.
In experiments here a piece the same size was packaged and sealed as per normal then left in full sun in the car for three days, then another two weeks on the kitchen bench inside the house before eventually planting it in a loose sandy soil.
This is much harsher conditions than even the postal service provide!
There was a small amount of soft rot so the soil was left slightly drier than normal for a couple of weeks while roots developed.
The rot healed the cutting rooted and off it went like a rocket.
The growth of these guys is really fast!

Just three months later this small damaged piece is more than 1meter long!(approx 3.3feet!).
Ready to produce many, many, new plants!
Every segment has the potential to throw roots, and they do not need to be cut or treated with hormone powders or gels, but in my testing a three segmented piece had the fastest growth, especially when planted 1 to 1.5segments deep in a loose, well draining sandy soil.
Just shove them in the soil, and water only when the surface dries out so they don’t rot.
Native to India and Sri Lanka, but widely distributed all through Africa, Arabia, Southeast Asia, Brazil and the USA.
Commonly called Veldt Grape, Devil’s Backbone, Bone Setter, Asthisamharaka, Hadjod, Harjor, Asthi Shrinkhala, Cissus quadrangula, Vitis quadrangularis, and most commonly Cissus quadrangularis.

This fella has a huge list of uses, most often for metabolic conditions and high cholesterol.
It is said to be also useful for weight loss, diabetes management, speeds the healing of bone fractures, increasing density in osteoporosis cases, treatment for scurvy and other dietary deficiencies due to high vitamin content, cancer treatment, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer disease, painful menstruation, asthma, malaria, and general pain.

It’s main claim to fame these days, and a huge multi-million dollar business is in bodybuilding supplements, as a viable alternative to anabolic steroids.
This is due to the high levels of the naturally occurring chemical components said to reduce pain post workout, increase muscle mass, increase stamina, reduce swelling on joints and ligaments, decrease appetite and “turn you into a tank in just 30days, blah, blah, blah”…
The effects are said to be most noticeable from the 10th day onwards.
Animals studies show that it has antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-malarial properties.

Anyway, I don’t recommend ingestion in any way, but it is interesting.
As is it’s beautiful natural form.
Makes a great ornamental plant and its fast growth and hardiness alone are reasons to grow it. I produces large clumps of flower followed by large red fruit that look like olives.
These contain the seeds that I have thus far been unable to germinate for some reason?
Not to worry, it grows super easy by cuttings!
Grown by me and the Mrs organically, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!

NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂