Hamburg Rooted Parsley Petroselinum Crispum Seeds


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Hamburg Rooted Parsley Petroselinum Crispum Seeds

Packet of 100+ seeds home grown seeds!

This unusual Parsley variety has been around since the mid 1500’s.

It’s mainly grown as a root crop, and the root itself is described as similar to turnip or carrots.

The taste is more like a celeriac crossed with a carrot in my opinion, and the leaf is exactly the same as Italian flat leaf parsley.

Great just munched raw like a carrot, grated into coleslaw, cooked in stews soups and curries or even roasted up in the oven with a sprinkling of sesame oil and honey.


They like a nice loose moist soil, so they can sink their roots down deep, without hitting too many rocks or tree roots. If the soil is too heavy or hard and dry you end up with lots of little thin roots instead of big solid carrot style roots.

They definitely don’t get that moist soft stuff here, as it’s more like a dusty, dry, stony gravel driveway most of the year.

Not the loose moist loam they would prefer, but they still do alright, and we get a decent feed off them.

Interesting plant, easy to grow, and you can eat the leaf as you would do normal parsley, which is handy while you wait for the roots to get big.

The bloody chooks love them, and will dig they all up quick as a flash, if I give them half a chance!

Does well anywhere in OZ, even handling a bit of frost well.

Well yeah, There’s another rocking variety for you folks to have a crack at!

Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!