Long Cayenne Chilli Pepper Capsicum Annuum Seeds


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Long Cayenne Chilli Pepper Capsicum Annuum Seeds

Packet of 25+ organically grown seeds!

This fella originates in French Guyana, but is commonly grown all over the world.

It was once known by the synonyms Capsicum abyssinicum, Capsicum angulosum, Capsicum axi, Capsicum ustulatum, or the common names aleva, annuel, ardei, ardei, biber, biber, bibär, bibər, bird pepper, bird pepper, burıç, cayenne, chili, chili, cow horn pepper, Guinea spice, halou, halwa, harilik, hasimĕṇasin, hoho, ikkulurit, istiot, kapsiko, krasnyj, krasnyj, kāyi, metuka, metuqa, mirch, mleta, ngonpo, pa-peu-ri-ka, pan, paprica, paprika, paprika-koreni, papriko, paprikuduft, papriqa, papryka, papryka, papurika, papurika, peber, pepper, peppers, peppers, pi-mang, piper, piper, roczna, roczny, ročná, sladká, sngon, unujara, vihannespaprika, wannarka, ya-fa-ra-ne-je, yafranj, yowk, yowk, začimbna, zier-pfeffer, zierpflanzen, zierpflanzen, zierpflanzen, édes, červen, ħelu, štiplavá.
These days it is considered to be Capsicum annuum and most commonly known as the long form of Cayenne chilli pepper.

It is really quite hot at 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville Units, and it is used on a massive scale in spice blends and powders.

High in Vitamin A, and contains decent amounts of vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, and manganese too.
The young tender leaves are said to be edible containing ~5% protein. They are traditionally used in soups and stews but it isn’t something I have ever done so can’t really offer advice about that.

I can say the chillies themselves are awesome pickled, or threaded on strings and dried or smoked they last for years still packing a punch.

Touted as a medicine, used for everything you can think of, especially lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease, poor circulation, excessive clotting, cold and flu, inflammation, upset stomach, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, cramps, hay fever, migraine headache, cluster headache, sinus infections, toothache, seasickness, alcoholism, malaria, fever and to help people who have difficulty swallowing such as the terminally ill.

Applied to the skin directly it is used for pain relief from shingles, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and nerve pain caused by diabetes, back pain and HIV and there are a number of different patches, creams and lotions that rely on the pain relieving effects of this cool, yet quite hot species.

Great stuff, you should really buy some for the vegetable garden.
Even if you are not major chili heads and can’t use them all, they make a great bug spray.

Grown by me and the Mrs organically, no chems, no nasties, no dramas!