Turnip Purple Top Brassica Rapa Seeds


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Turnip Purple Top Brassica Rapa Seeds

Packet of 200+ seeds from this awesome breed of Turnip!

Its a multipurpose, easy to grow vegetable that’s quite nutritious too!

It has a surprisingly high Vitamin C content along with considerable levels of Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Vitamin K, Folate and Manganese along with various other minerals and trace elements. It also contains soluble fibre, flavonoids and most importantly sulphur containing phytonutrients, that have been linked with reduced cancer rates.

Tastes great too, with real peppery kick when eaten raw like an apple or grated/chopped in salads.

The other awesome thing about them is the leaves can be harvested whenever you need a leafy green.

Just use them like spinach/mustard/cabbage etc.

Very high in lutein which is a yellow or orange pigment found in some fruits and vegetables that may help to protect your vision.

Historically its been used as a cure for “night blindness” in many parts of Europe.

Harvest them from a couple months onwards. Just use them like a tastier sweeter less hot radish.

Salads, soups, Stews, raw, cooked, fried, roasted, boiled, steamed…

Whatever you do to them they taste great.

Well worth planting a few, I reckon!

Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!