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Black Peanut Bean Phaseolus Vulgaris Seeds
Packet of 15+ seeds homegrown seeds!
It is very hard to find organically grown seed of this one, and with the huge yields you get from them, here is plenty to get you started!
If you want a bean that’s just like the green shop ones, but better, then this is it.
Long, thin sweet juicy tender, no string, and groovy black bean bits on the inside!
On the vine it is a pale green almost yellowish white bean that’s great eaten fresh from the vine or in chopped up in salads.
Equally good with a roast, or fried up with lots of butter, salt and pepper.
Traditionally it’s a stirfry vegetable, but I reckon it’s great with anything. Very easy to grow, very versatile, and very large returns of a just few plants.
The stems, dried shells/pods and the root system releases valuable nitrogen into the soil feeding nearby plants.
The finished plant rots down quickly and is great for providing “humus” (carbon, fibre and other micro nutrients needed for ideal plant development).
Just stick a few in the ground now, then again next week the next week and you will always have some available to chuck in a meal.
Needs no real care to provide a heavy return.
Just wack them in the ground and wait.
I really recommend these ones, and you won’t see them elsewhere very often. We got them from a friend overseas originally, and very glad we did.
Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!