Lucerne Alfalfa Medicago Sativa Seeds


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Lucerne Alfalfa Medicago Sativa Seeds

Packet of 150+ seeds from this very nutritious nitrogen fixing legume!

Easy to grow and incredibly hardy.
I never ever water ours and still get a decent harvest every now and then.
With water and a little love you can grow enough to bale it for later if you want.

The worlds most popular fodder crop dating back the Ancient Greeks and Romans.
More acres grown and more nutrition per acre then all the rest, bar none.

The leaf and flower makes a great tea or salad herb.
Lots of folks blitz them in drinks and smoothies.

I use the young shoots in sandwiches every now and then.
Really nice leafy green flavour.
The sprouted seeds are also great, and that is how most folks normally eat them.

It kind of looks like a clover and grass cross, with a really pretty purple flower and small twisted seed pods.
It normally grows as a clump and you just give it a hair cut every now and then.
You can cut it right back to an inch high without harming it, and each time you do the regrowth is finer and more dense.
Lives for ages, 25years or more I am told.

Really drought tolerant with the roots sinking way down deep to draw minerals and moisture from the subsoil. Roots 15meters long, heading straight down is not unusual!

Makes the best mulch or compost ever, as it truly is a powerhouse of nutrition.

Not just good for us, and our stock like goats, sheep, horses, cattle, guinea pigs, rabbits, chooks, and ducks, but equally useful to “seed” algal blooms in prawn and fish farms.

High nitrogen content provides a quick boost of food for all plants. Feeds the algae, which feeds the daphnia, plankton and other critters which in turn feed your fish.

High in carotenoid’s, so it is used in commercial pellets to give a nice pink to prawn and fish flesh.
Also in poultry foods for nice bright yellow yolks.
Used in Western Herbal medicine for at least 1500 years, and TCM to treat digestion and improve kidney function. In Ayurvedic medicine, physicians used the leaves for treating poor digestion and they made a cooling poultice from the seeds for removal boils and skin infections.
Also said to be used in the treatment of arthritis.

Grown by us organically, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!


NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂