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Hungarian Wax Sweet Pepper Capsicum Annuum Seeds
Packet of 20+ seeds from this mild sweet tasting pepper!
Looks like a medium to large sized chilli, tastes like a sweet juicy capsicum.
Apparently there is a hot form as well, but this guy isn’t it, well at least not in my soil and conditions.
This fella has no heat at all, just sweet capsicumy goodness!
Great for stuffing, or fried whole with a little garlic and served with toast.
Really tasty, and very few seeds.
Ideal for salsas, sauces, pasta, pizza, curry, salads, pickled, smoked, or even stuffed with fancy soft cheeses.
I love them and normally just eat them like an apple as I’m cruising around the garden.
Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!