Eclipta Prostrata Alba False Daisy Yerba De Tago Seeds


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Eclipta Prostrata Alba False Daisy Yerba De Tago Seeds

Packet of 100+ seeds of this rarely available herb!

This fella is a common weed to a lot of areas. It is found all through Brazil, India, China, Thailand, and many parts of Australia, though it is not considered a noxious weed in any state of Australia.

It has a very extensive history of medicinal use in India, Brazil, and many parts of Asia.

I will start with the names as there is a lot of them. Verbesina alba, Verbesina prostrata, Cotula alba, Eclipta erecta, Eclipta alba, Eliptica alba var. erecta, Eclipta spec., Herba Ecliptae, Ecliptae Herba, Herba Ecliptae Prostratae, White Twin-heads, White Eclipta, false daisy, yerba de tago, bhringraj, kehraj, karisalaankanni, Mo Han Lian, karisalankanni, kayyunni, kannada, Garugada soppu, keshavardhini, bhringaraja, bhangra, bhringaraj, bhrungraja, bhringraja, white bhangra, kehraj, yerba de tajo herb, , and “King of Hair” due to its long history of use in the treatment of hairloss and premature baldness.

Now while I can not guarantee it will work for you I did find an interesting study that showed extracts of the fresh plant decreased the amount of time it took for hair to begin regrowing and to fully regrow in shaved albino rats, for what that’s worth..I also found a vast array of evidence relating to pain management using this herb, and I urge you to look into it, if your stomach can bear it, it’s pretty graphic.

There are some amazing animal studies showing its effectiveness, during some really harrowing experiments.

Because there are so many studies regarding this herb, and I find it very interesting, I will just post some data I have collected online below. I don’t personally recommend doing anything in particular with it and don’t claim or imply that it will cure anything at all.

I personally just use it as a pot herb or nibble a bit as I cruise around, but I never really eat a lot at once, and because I don’t have anything medically wrong with myself, and I am not bald, or in any pain, andI can’t say I have noticed anything miraculous myself?

Tastes good, kinda sweet, and it certainly grows easily.

It does contain various coumestans such as wedelolactone and demethylwedelolactone, desmethyl wedelolactone glucoside, polypeptides, polyacetylenes, thiophene derivatives, saponins, tannins, Vitamin A, ecliptine, a-Terthienylmethanol, α-formyl-α-terthienel, steroids, triterpenes and flavonoids.

Anyway, info from the web, the pain aggression and anxiety studies on rats are really quite horrifying, but the results are amazing. Let’s hope all those rats were not tortured in vain and we eventually do something with this amazing plant.>>>

“The plant contains a small amount of nicotine which possibly has a slight narcotic effect. (All the modern studies I could find found no such nicotine in the samples tested, so either it was a false positive, or individual genetic variation, or less likely seasonal.)

Beyond the possible eye and hair benefits and the liver protection, other possible benefits of Eclipta Alba are lowered aggression levels(two animal studies, moderate oral doses), pain reduction (dose dependent, which out performed Aspirin when consumed at higher doses of 500mg/kg rats; 80mg/kg ethanolic extract in humans) a reduction in blood pressure, diuretic effects, with at least one study suggesting some benefit to the immune system (increasing macrophage and white blood cell activity).

Decreases of blood pressure in unhealthy persons using Eclipta prostrata have occurred by 15% (mean arterial pressure)

Said to be the best Ayurvedic option for liver cirrhosis and infective hepatitis.

Eclipta Alba may also kill mosquitoes, and act as repellent.

A water extract of Eclipta Alba at 100-200mg/kg bodyweight given to rats orally 60 minutes prior to an Elevated Plus Maze test (assessing transfer latency) noted a significant decrease in transfer latency in a dose dependent manner, with only 200mg/kg being statistically significant (outperforming control by 19% on day one and by 35% on day two). Dose and time dependent improvements in memory also appeared in mice given a spatial habitual learning test with the same 100-200mg/kg bodyweight dosing.

Another trial in rats noted that ingestion of 300mg/kg aqueous extract or 30mg/kg Hydrolyzed extract improved performance on Cook’s Pole Apparatus, indicative of nootropic potential.

A rat study on maternal aggression using 100-500mg/kg water extract of Eclipta Alba for a period of 15 or 30 days noted that supplementation dose-dependently reduced aggression in mother rats with the highest dose (500mg/kg) being equally effective as 1mg/kg Diazepam as active control.

Appears to have anti-aggressive actions, which may be related to anxiety reducing actions; bioactive is currently unknown, and there it appears to be as anti-aggressive as Diazepam at 1mg/kg in rats.

In Ayurveda, the leaves of fresh Eclipta Alba have been rubbed against gums to alleviate toothaches due to their purported analgesic effects.

A subsequent tested was conducted with the ethanolic fractions in mice in a battery of pain tests (tail flick, writhing method, tail pinch method) Eclipta appeared to have dose-dependent pain reducing effects attributable to the alkaloids, with 500mg/kg ethanolic extract or 150mg/kg alkaloids outperforming 50mg/kg Codeine (tail pinch test) and 300mg/kg Aspirin (tail flick test and writhing test); 250mg/kg ethanolic extract of Eclipta Alba was equally effective to the reference drugs.

It has been noted that moderate doses of Eclipta (200mg/kg ethanolic extract) are comparable, but not greater, than the active controls of Aspirin and Morphine.

Naloxone (1mg/kg) did not abolish the effects of Eclipta Alba, suggesting the observed effects are not opioid related.

The combination of Eclipta Alba with Aspirin or Morphine does not appear to enhance the effects of the two pharmaceutical painkillers.

Appears to have pain killing effects, with 200mg/kg of the ethanolic extract in rats (32mg/kg) being as potent as Aspirin in one study and 500mg/kg of the ethanolic extract (80mg/kg) being more potent.

Limited evidence in assessing exactly how potent it is, but the pain reducing effects appear to be repeated and reliable in rats. As yet there is no human evidence.

In mildly hypertensive adults, 3g Eclipta Alba for 60 days is able to reduce triglycerides from 145.19+/-38.66mg/dL to 124.90+/-36.83mg/dL (-14%) while reducing lipid peroxides 18% (an antioxidative effect); LDL and vLDL were also reduced 25% and 14% with no influence on HDL-C.

One human study using 3g Eclipta Alba for 60 days reported that 4 our of 30 participants reported improvements in vision as a side effect with nobody in the placebo study reporting so.

Eclipta prostrata improves the human body’s non-specific immune function, eliminates oxygen free radicals to inhibit 5-lipoxygenase, protects the chromosomes, shows remarkable hepatoprotective activity, promotes the regeneration of liver cells, increases coronary flow, is a good antioxidant, promotes hair growth and makes hair darker, prolongs the survival time of mice under the normal pressure and hypoxia, and it improves the survival rate of mice under the reduced pressure and hypoxia. It has evidence backed antimicrobial, sedative, analgesic, styptic, anti-amoeba, and potential anti-cancer effects.”


Amazing stuff hey! Such a huge amount of medical research, yet relatively unknown here in Australia until a couple years ago.

Anyway, like I say, I can’t and don’t recommend it for anything in particular, except as a collectible, and nibbling a leaf here or there.

I limit myself to three leaves a day max, couple times a week, and at that low an intake I have not noticed any effect at all, neither positive or negative?

Grown by me and the Mrs organically, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!