Giant Tomatillo Mexican Husk Tomato Physalis Ixocarpa Seeds


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Giant Tomatillo Mexican Husk Tomato Physalis Ixocarpa Seeds

Packet of 100+ seeds from this truly giant sized tomatillo!

I have bought a heck of a lot of plants over the last decade described as “Giant Tomatillos” and this is the only fella that truly fits the description!

Originally we got these seeds in trade from an awesome customer, and I am wrapped to now have it in my collection. Nothing else commercially offered in Australia comes close, at least not that I have tried?

Massive purple and green fruits, bigger than a 50c piece and plenty of them, big yellow flowers and all contained on a small to medium sized shrubby herb.

The fruit themselves have a double layer of protection. The first layer is the husk or enlarged calyx and this is mildly poisonous, and under that on the fruit’s surface is a waxy coating that prevents insect attack. Just rinse it off in water, or a quick rub on the tshirt before eating does the job. The waxy coating doesn’t protect them 100% mind you, as these guys taste great, but it does a better job than most other Physalis Species.

They taste like a greenish tomato, and they are great in salsa or chutney. Green they can be cooked and added to soups, stews, curried, pretty much anything that you might normally add a tomato.

Really easy to grow but they do take up to a month to germinate and that is 100% NORMAL and to be expected.
Heaps of names for them, here are a few.

Physalis aequata, Physalis philadelphica(still under debate), tomate de cascara, tomate de culebra, tomate de fresadilla, miltomate, farolito, tomate Mexicano, tomate verde, Alkekenge du Mexique, Green Mexican tomatillo, Husked tomato, Jamberry, Mayan husked tomato, Mexican husk tomato, Mexican ground cherry and the current accepted by most scientific name of Physalis ixocarpa.

Apparently they can be picked and stored for up to a year if just left inside their calyx in a cool dry place, and as the crops are massive I really recommend these guys from a productivity pointy of view alone.

Seriously, have a crack at them, they are pretty damn awesome folks!

NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂