Snow Pea Pisum Sativum Bean Seeds


Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $4.80.

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Snow Pea Pisum Sativum Bean Seeds

Packet of 20+ home grown seeds!

These guys are great. Super sweet and juicy, high yield, pretty white flower, attractive foliage and taste great just as they are straight off the plant.
Everyone knows the snow peas/beans themselves from the supermarkets, but you can also eat the young shoots and leaves in everything from salads to stews and soups.
Very easy to grow, very versatile, and very large returns of a just few plants.

The whole plant is useful, not just for people and pet food, it’s great plant food, as the root system releases valuable nitrogen into the soil feeding nearby plants.
The finished plant and stems rot down really quickly and is great for providing “humus” (carbon, fibre and all the other micro nutrients needed for ideal plant development)

Just stick a few in the ground now, then again next week, then next week and you will always have some available to chuck in a meal. Needs no real care to provide a heavy return….

Just wack them in the ground and wait. I really recommend these ones!

Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!