Red Kidney Bean Phaseolus Vulgaris Seeds


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Red Kidney Bean Phaseolus Vulgaris Seeds

Packet of 20+ seeds which is a heap of plants for most folks!

Delicious cooked in so many different ways!

I like the immature pods and mature dry beans boiled in soups, stews and chilli based meals. A Mexican, Caribbean and Spanish food necessity.

Perfect match with any chilli dishes.

Very easy to grow, and a very large returns of a just few plants.

The stems, shells/pods and the root system releases valuable nitrogen into the soil feeding nearby plants. That’s if you do bother shelling them, we normally just cook them small like a normal bean string beans.

The finished plant rots down quickly and is great for providing “humus” (carbon, fibre and other micro nutrients needed for ideal plant development)

Just stick a few in the ground now, then again next week the next week and you will always have some available to chuck in a meal.

Needs no real care to provide a heavy return….

Choice stuff really!

Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!