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Dwarf Blue Cornflower Centaurea Cyanus Seeds
Packet of 100+ unusual looking home grown seeds!
Lovely little blue pompom type flowers. Every now and then it even throws a pink or white one flower too which is kinda cool.
Very hardy little species that makes a great space filler, and edible herb.
The young shoots are edible and can be used as a pot herb, and the flowers can be used to add a splash of colour to salads or as a dye for deserts.
Adding a handful of flowers to a thin syrup or icing produces a nice dense colour and they can just be sieved out when you are happy with the tone.
They were once a common herb across Europe and the United states, especially in corn crops, but industrialized agriculture and the extensive use of herbicides like roundup have severely limited its distribution.
Known as bachelor’s button, blawort, blue bonnets, blue bottle, barbeau, blue bow, blue poppy, blue tops, bluets, break your spectacles, brushes, bunk, cornbottle, corn centaury, cornflower, garden cornflower , happy skies, haw dods, hurtsickle, french pink, ragged robin, ragged sailor, witches bells, etc.
There you have it folks, it’s a beauty.
Lovely little ornamental flower, edible herb, dye plant, what more could you want?
Grow by me and the Mrs organically, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!