Aztec Amaranth Rajeera Amaranthus Cruentus Seeds Packet of 300+seeds of this awesome, ancient leaf and grain crop! Now this is a fantastic crop to grow, seriously one of my favourites! Use the leaf just like any other Asian greens, bok chow, hak sai, cabbage, brocollinni, spinach or whatever. The stem is crisp and crunchy, like…
Search Results for: amaranthus
Varigated Amaranth Leaf Amaranthus Tricolor Seeds
Varigated Amaranth Leaf Amaranthus Tricolor Seeds Packet of 250+ easy to grow seeds! This really ornamental leaf crop is a great addition to any garden. It has wide variation in colours and shapes to the leaves and grows really easily. The plants are really productive, much more so than any traditional spinach or cabbage crop,…
Lagos Spinach Cockscomb Celosia Argentea Seeds
Lagos Spinach Cockscomb Celosia Argentea Seeds Packet of 200+ shiny glossy jewel like seeds! These seeds are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen and they really look like small black glass beads. The plant itself is pretty ornamental too with large green leaves that go quite purple in cool weather, and a…
GA3 Gibberellic Acid-3 Gibberella Fukikuroi Dormancy Germination Stimulant
GA3 Gibberellic Acid-3 Gibberella Fukikuroi Dormancy Germination Stimulant Nice big packet of ~500mg or 1/2 a gram of 90% Technical grade, fine mesh, top quality, high purity awesomeness! Not a big fan on using “chemicals” on anything, just don’t like the idea really? But I am a big fan of our awesome Aussie native species,…