Purple Forest Guava Psidium Eugeniaefolia Seeds


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Purple Forest Guava Psidium Eugeniaefolia Seeds

Packet of 10+ home grown seeds!

This rare purple Amazonian fruit is one I’m very happy to have in the collection. Unlike many other guavas this one seems to be resistant to fruit fly(at least in my experience) which is a massive asset to me here in Queensland.

The skin is firm, rubbery, and being 100% honest it tastes pretty unpleasant due to the strong puckering tannin flavours. I reckon this is why the fruit fly leave them alone and apparently the anti-oxidants they contain are currently being researched for their potential anti-cancer effects.
The flesh inside the skin is great though and the fruit flesh can just be squeezed and popped out into your mouth like you do with Jaboticaba. The similarity of use, flavour and apperance means that they sometimes share the same common names along with Araca una, Aracauna, Araca cagao, Araca perinha
or Camu camu.

They germinate easily in a nice sandy well draining soil mix, and for me here it normally takes ~6weeks. Weather change is often the cue for the to pop so I just plant them and leave them be. Few months later I come back and divide them up and pretty much every seed grows.
The tree can be grown in pots and it fruits heavily in just a couple years.
Like all Guavas it handles a prune and if you cut the top off at about a meter it branches out really nicely forming a dense easy to harvest little shrub.
Ideal for folks renting.

The leaves and dried fruit skins make a great tannin rich tea and my plants handled the previous few years of drought along with the later short term flooding unassisted still producing a decent crops the whole time.
Yeah, that’s about it I guess?
Super easy to grow, very rarely available, tasty purple fruit fly resistant fruit, well worth having in the collection!

Grown by us organically, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!


NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂