Bush Wild Lemon Citrus Limon Seeds


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Bush Wild Lemon Citrus Limon Seeds

Packet of 10+ freshly harvested seeds!

This is a must have species for any garden in Australia, in the world for that matter.

Super easy to grow and from seed it can produce its first few fruit in just three years.
No need for a rootstock or anything fancy, just plant the seeds in a sandy, well draining soil and wait.

It is a popular choice of rootsock itself, and I know lots of folks that graft fingerlime, mandarins and other citrus onto the branches, making multipurpose trees. A great disease resistant and hardy alternative to the more common Poncirus trifoliata.

It produces massive crops of fruit that make great marmalade, jam, wine, cider, lemonade, dried peels, salt preserved lemons, teas, home made cleaners, etc.

The lists of useful items from this plant are endless.

With no pests of any kind to speak of, it handles the cold and heavy frosts fine, it thrives through hot dry drought conditions and even lived semi-submerged for weeks on end through the floods we had here.

It is not the same as the bitter tighter packed Asian rough lemon~Citrus jambhiri, and it is not a man made grafted selections like the Eureka, Lisbon, Meyer etc you see commonly sold in garden centres and nurseries.

It is a truly wild “naturalised” species, meaning that back in the old days it escaped and went feral, and unlike just about every other European fruit import, it adapted to the harsh Aussie conditions. It can handle, not only handle, but THRIVE in just about any conditions you can throw at it now!

They are very thorny, but unlike other citrus, the thick spines are huge and quite well spaced, and therefore easier to avoid. Most other grafted lemons you get in the shop can be a real hassle once they get a few years old and bush out a bit.

They a make a great protective hedge or fence and the wildlife will in general, go around, not through them, plus none of the native critters eat the leaves except in drought which is a real bonus for us here.

Quite attractive looking specimens and unlike a boring old rose bush, this fella gives you fruit!

The crops are massive, hundreds of fruit over a much longer season, often several times a year, and the fruit itself is really lemony in flavour, the old time taste, so much better than the waxed imports!

The longer you leave them to hang on the tree the better they get, and just past the bright fluoro yellow stage, they get a slight orange tint. That is when I absolutely love them.

Forget the other citrus you have tried like lemonades, pommello and grapefruit, this fella blows them all out of the water. Beats an orange any day of the week.

The fruit gets big and sort of swollen looking, and when you crack it open it is just like a good mandarin. Even has the slightly loose cavity in the middle. Feels kinda light for its size too, if you know what I mean?

Super easy to peal, no mess, and heavenly straight off the tree.

Just peel and eat it! You can’t do that with the other “Lemon” varieties.

So refreshing, and it is great for when your picking fruit in the heat. I used to always take a couple to work when I was picking Bananas, as it was great for reviving heat-stroked backpackers! The fluid plus the vitamin B+C for the dehydration and sugars and protein for the shock, really seemed to help them, where giving just drinking water just made them cramp up.

Wikipedia says>>>

“The Bush lemon tree, a naturalized lemon, grows wild in subtropical Australia. It is very hardy, and has a thick skin with a true lemon flavour; the zest is good for cooking.”

It grows to about 4m in a sunny position”

Pinched straight from Wikipedia, and I couldn’t have said it any better myself, except I have to add, I’ve seen it thriving just about everywhere I’ve traveled, from the dry centre of NT, to the tropics of QLD and even down south in the highlands of NSW.
There get they even get the odd bit of snow some years but it doesn’t seem to effect them at all.
It’s a bloody tough and adaptable plant this one!

There you have it, another must have, awesome Aussie plant.

Grown organically by us, or wild harvested when we are out exploring the bush, no nasties, no chems, no problems!!!

NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA or CALIFORNIA in the USA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂