Broad Leaved Apple Angophora Subvelutina Seeds


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Broad Leaved Apple Angophora Subvelutina Seeds

Packet of 25+ sustainably wildharvested seeds!

This fella is a beautiful local gum tree and it looks very much like the closely related Eucaluptus and Corymbia species.
Infact it was once considered to be Eucaluptus subvelutina, but these days Angophora subvelutina is considered right.

Anyway, unlike the majority of gum trees around here it has opposite leaves and gets massive white bunches of flowers that smell just like baking biscuits.

They are an important tree for honey production and the native bees and beetles feast on the pollen and nectar they produce.
I saw at least two dozen different pollinators visiting this fella, along with a heap of different butterflies and birds.

The trees are drought resistant and the seeds are easy to grow.
I get about 80% come up in about a month just planted in a sandy soil mix in full sun.
They transplant well and after a couple waters to establish them they do fine without any special treatment.

The trees are beautiful when covered in flowers, but they also look quite stately in the rest of the year with their thick trunks and dense foliage.

They are native to Australia with a natural range that extends from Sydney all the way up through QLD and in times of drought they have been used as cattle fodder.

That’s about it really, just another cool looking native Aussie tree.

Wildharvested sustainably locally, no chems, no nasties, no problems!!!

NOT FOR WESTERN AUSTRALIA or TASMANIA due to added expense and drama involved.

If you decide to try and buy anyway, this item will not be sent. 🙂